Take the Street Out of the Office: Part 2

Keeping Your Workspace Clean and Healthy

In "Take the Street Out of the Office: Part 1," we explored how the street can make its way into your workspace and the impact it has on your work environment. Now, let's focus on removing the street from your workplace to promote a cleaner, healthier work environment.

Choosing the Right Entry Matting

The first line of defence in keeping the street out of your workplace is having effective entry matting. The goal is to trap as much soil, debris, and pollutants as possible right at the entrance. To achieve this, consider the following features when choosing an entry mat.

Absorbent fibres: Opt for a mat with full coverage of absorbent fibres, as they provide more contact with the shoe's base and have a greater capacity to absorb moisture and soil.

Depth: A depth of 6 to 10mm allows for better absorption of moisture, soils, pollutants, and debris.

Length: A length of 6 to 8 meters (7 to 8 steps) will effectively capture most of the contaminants.

Remember that ribbed matting is more suitable for construction sites to remove caked-on mud and requires brushing shoes back and forth. Full coverage matting is a better choice for office buildings. No one is going to enter a building in the city and stand on the entry mat and brush their shoes back and forth to remove the soils, this is why the full coverage matting is more effective.


Take the street out of the office: Part 3


Take the Street Out of the Office: Part 1